
Showing posts from June, 2022

Benefits of Russian Osetra Caviar and Iranian Beluga Caviar

Most people share the same strong connection with caviar as well as Russia which it's often believed that the word caviar is from a Russian origin.   In reality, caviar, despite coming into English via French and Italian likely originated within Turkish as well as Persian from the Persian words havya and khyah, which refer to eggs..   Caviar is, in fact an egg or roe of a huge fish, typically sturgeon.   While sturgeon can be found and collected for their eggs in a variety of regions around the globe but Russia's coastal Caspian Sea has been the location of fishing for the most well-known Beluga caviar.   Beluga Sturgeon, which is known for its caviar black, used to account for 40% of the sturgeon haul, but now only represents a tenth of the caviar available that is available.   The less polluted and over-fished waters that lie off from the shores of Iran are now more sought-after for fishermen who fish for sturgeon as well as their black caviar-consuming customers. Beluga cav